If you haven’t seen AMC’s award winning series “Mad Men”, the show is set in the 1960’s and revolves around the drama and excess of advertising agencies at the time. As the show has progressed it now seems that the fictional agency Sterling Cooper & Partners (SC&P) is considering expanding its offices to the west coast – LA particularly.
As the final season approaches, realtor.com in partnership with AMC has released an infographic comparing the cost of living in New York and LA at the time period the series is set in and now. You may have guessed that things are considerably more expensive now – and for the most part you’d be right, but the article takes things a bit further. For instance, at one point in the series the main character Don Draper earns a whopping $45k per year, which if adjusted for inflation becomes $350k per year – or, did you realize that when adjusted for inflation that electricity and cooling is considerably cheaper now?
Take a look at the neatly presented graphic and then read the article for a more in-depth explanation.